About Us

I have always been intrigued about how to construct and design jewelry, but I didn’t want to take the time to put my ideas into motion. In 2021 during the peak of covid I had several bracelets break on me. I am a loyal customer and if I purchase a piece of jewelry, I like to wear it. I called the designer of the bracelet,
and they told me that they could not fix it for me at the time and suggested that I try to reconstruct it myself. I took their suggestion and that’s where my love for designing jewelry begin.

I started constructing bracelets for my family and friends. They showed my work to their friends and from there my hobby became a business. I continued to operate by word of mouth until the beginning of this year.

At the time, I was working a full-time job, and in today’s climate corporate positions are not stable. My company decided to restructure my position and downsize me. I applied for position after position, and no one would hire me, and I literally had no income. I kept applying for jobs, but I also decided to build something of my own. So, I decided to step out on faith, write my vision, and open my online store.

Designing jewelry has become my love and it brings me so much joy. I’ve always loved jewelry and I know that I can do so much more. Jewelry can easily change how you feel about yourself and complete any outfit. It can give you that positive boost that you need to brighten your day. My items are “Created and design with you in mind”.

So, thank you for being here, reading this and joining us on this journey. Please share this with a friend, it may inspire them to do what they love.

Onward and Upward,